Alphabet Movie Meme!


Instead of a regular film review for today, I thought I’d do this fun alphabet movie meme that I found over at the amazing Cinematic Corner. It was originally created at The Drama Llama, and it looks like it covers a nice range of topics and films! So, without further ado, here is my version of the alphabet movie meme.


Anticipating Movie Of 2014
It seems like everyone else has seen this one, but I’m most excited for Blue is the Warmest Colour, which comes out in Australia in February next year. It seems so cruel to delay its release here by so long, but I’m really looking forward to seeing it. I’ve heard nothing but good things, and I’m always a sucker for epic films about the development of self-awareness and identity.


beth-wald_city-of-Z-cove002Book Adaptation I’d Love To See
I think this one has been in development for a long time already, but I’m looking forward to seeing The Lost City of Z by David Grann in film format. The book is a great non-fiction read, and is pretty addictive. It’s a fascinating adventure story and if you love books about missing treasure and the hunt for antiquities, this is a great one to read. It looks like Benedict Cumberbatch and Robert Pattinson have signed on for it, so hopefully production gets its act together soon.


article-2284045-1843ECDC000005DC-712_634x781Celebrity I’d Most Like To Meet
Probably Jennifer Lawrence. She just seems like a cool person who would be interesting to have a chat with. I was thinking about lots of ways to answer this question, but I think overall I’d like to meet a celebrity who would be fun to hang out with. I’d ideally like to attend a dinner party with Max von Sydow and Kanye West (great combination), but for watching a film and drinking wine from the bottle, I’d choose to hang with JLaw. Sounds kind of creepy to say that, but I regret nothing.






Dream Director/Actor Pairing
My dream director/actor pairing already exists in real life. The pairing of Max von Sydow and Ingmar Bergman makes for some of the most mindblowingly amazing films you will ever see. The Seventh Seal (1957), Hour of the Wolf (1968), The Virgin Spring (1960), Shame (1968), The Passion of Anna (1969), Winter Light (1962)… whenever these two have been working with one another, I have fallen in love with whatever they have created.



12AngryMen9Essential Classic Film
12 Angry Men (1957) is one of the most perfect classic films. There is a reason why so many high schools have chosen to study it. The depth of it is astounding. There is so much subtext and the cinematography is so clever. It’s one of those films that you keep with you in your mind forever after watching it, and you notice little new things during every rewatch. I love it, it’s an unmissable classic film.


harry-potter-deathly-hallows-part-2-movie-poster-hi-res-01Favourite Film Franchise
This is a tough one because I don’t tend to watch many franchises nowadays (not even the Marvel ones, really). However, thinking back on my love of film across the lifespan, my favourite franchise overall would have to be the Harry Potter series. I will never, ever forget the excitement that I felt as the first posters, promo images and trailers were shown – the fandom hype, and excruciatingly long leadup to each new film. At the end of the last film, my friends and I sobbed and cried. Not just because the ending was vaguely sad, but because it was the end of an era for us. I feel so sentimental towards this series and have so many great childhood/young-adulthood memories associated with it. As a result of that, I have to name it as my favourite franchise (even though some of the films are not that great).


dawson-cryingGenre I Watch The Most
I’d like to think it would be something cool and interesting like surrealism or French New Wave, but to be honest, I really enjoy a good dramatic film, and those are the ones I watch most often. The key word being good. I’m not interested in lazy, stereotypical ‘chick flick’ drama – I’m interested in films that tell human stories with honesty and intelligence.



5aa5f067514bdb3ac6bdddd0749e1ffbHidden Gem
I don’t really know if this is technically a hidden gem, since it’s not exactly one of those unknown quirky indie films that are typically classed as ‘hidden’. However whenever I’ve talked about this one with people, no one knows too much about it. Headhunters (2011) is a Norwegian crime/action/thriller film which stars Nikolaj Coster-Waldau; also known as Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones. I initially only watched it for him (love me some Lannisters), but ended up really enjoying it. It’s an example of intelligent action, done very well.

pointing+hand+vintage+image+graphicsfairy1Important Moment In My Film Life
This is a difficult one. I actually think starting this blog was an important moment in my film life. All throughout my film-watching hobby (a long, long time), I’ve had a lot of ideas and thoughts stuck inside my head waiting to escape. Not everyone is interested in films, so I sometimes feel a bit self-conscious imposing my opinion upon people, or boring them with a discussion that they might find irrelevant. I put off writing about film for a while as well because I was self-conscious about that too, but I’m really happy I finally bit the bullet and started doing it. Even though this blog is still very young, I’m really enjoying the process of getting my thoughts and feelings out there, and I’m really loving reading and responding to comments and having discussions with people. Good times!

lndthJust Right For A Rainy Day
Can’t go wrong with a bit of comedy on a rainy day. I love watching Woody Allen films when the weather is bad because they generally lift my spirits and make me laugh, but also have a sharp social insight. My favourite film of his might be Love and Death (1975). To quote a friend of mine, this film might be simultaneously the smartest and dumbest comedy ever made.



1083_019812B.jpgKiddie Movie I Still Shamelessly Enjoy
I feel absolutely no shame in my love for Spirited Away (2001), by the amazing Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli. I first watched this one as a young teenager. I still watch it today in my mid twenties, and find just as much enjoyment in it as I did back then. I’ll never forget the first time I watched it and felt an overwhelming sense of wonder at the expansive and fanciful universe of the film. I’m really only describing this one as a kiddie movie because I first watched it when I was younger. I think this is a film for both adults and kids.

DhogwartsLocation I’d Most Like To Visit
I would love to visit Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Not the set, or the theme park, but the actual school as it exists in the Harry Potter films. Imagine exploring all the hidden corridors and having conversations with the wizards in the paintings. Imagine sneaking into a classroom and attempting to learn magic, but you can’t, because you’re just a Muggle, how did you even get inside? At the height of my Harry Potter obsession, I used to have dreams set inside the castle, I wanted to visit it that badly. So, this is the location I’d most like to visit. If it were even possible.



lisbeth-salander-picture-courtesy-of-theglobeandmail-comMarathons I Watched
My partner and I once marathoned all three of the Swedish Millennium Trilogy films: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2009), The Girl Who Played With Fire (2009), and The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet’s Nest (2009). I quite liked the books, but watching all three of the films in one day/sitting was a bit much. Great films though. I wish I’d paced them out a bit, so I could have enjoyed them one at a time.

Netflix Movie I Actually Watched
Sad times… we don’t have Netflix in Australia. Maybe sometime soon though?

cabin-in-the-woods-posterOne Movie I Saw In Theatres More Than Once
I saw Cabin In The Woods (2012) twice over the course of two days. Initially it wasn’t going to be released in Australia, but the film people finally got their heads on straight and decided to do a limited release. The cinema at the premiere was packed and very lively, and it was one of the best cinema experiences I’ve had. The second night was with a more subdued audience, so the viewing experience wasn’t the same. I’m glad I saw it twice though.



womens_apparel_tshirt-p2357659768290062977c6n_152Preferred Place To Watch A Movie: Cinema Or At Home?
This might be a bit controversial, but I kind of prefer watching films at home. I don’t mind the cinema experience, but I also love watching films all snuggled up on the couch. I think it depends on the film though, which is why I have my series of reviews under the category, “Is it worth paying for a ticket?”. Some films, like Gravity (2013), are absolutely meant to be watched in a cinema, with the huge screen and surround sound. But for older films, I really enjoy the experience of watching them in my home environment.

ferris_buellerQuote That Inspires Me
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
– Ferris Bueller, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986)

Remakes: Friend Or Foe?
I don’t hate remakes that much. Sometimes I think they’re unnecessary, like the recent remake of Carrie. When the original film is already a classic and is a household name slash cinematic icon, why the sudden urge to make a new one? That being said, I haven’t seen the remake of Carrie, so maybe my criticism is premature. I understand why there are remakes of foreign films into English, such as The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (2011), because viewers might want to see popular actors in certain roles, or prefer to see films that they can understand without subtitles. I suppose I’m ambivalent on the issue of remakes, because while some are unnecessary, some contribute to the ‘universe’ of a particular film.

Snack I Enjoy Most
Popcorn! Occasionally the microwave kind for at-home film-watching.

Thrilling Movie That Blows My Mind
No Country for Old Men (2007) is a film that I’ve only seen once, but thinking back on it, it blows my mind. Javier Bardem is so amazing in this, and every time I think about it, I’m so surprised that it was completely devoid of a film score. During the film, I must have invented music in my head, because I didn’t notice at all. I was so captivated with the visuals and storytelling. I hope this one is considered a thriller, because it was certainly very thrilling, especially the scene in the hotel. If you haven’t seen this yet – you have to watch it!

rogermoorebondbookUnapologetic Fanperson For
I am an unapologetic fanperson for Roger Moore’s interpretation of James Bond. Even though some people think his style is too quirky and makes fun of the series too much, I love it, and his films are some of my favourites: Moonraker (1979), Live and Let Die (1973), and The Man with the Golden Gun (1974). He had a great run, with some ups and downs, but his humour and charm makes him my favourite Bond. None of the others would have run around in clown makeup, that’s for sure.

Very Excited For Award Season?
I honestly get more excited for television awards than I do for film awards. Only because I want Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and Game of Thrones to win everything. I like seeing which film wins what, but I don’t follow it as avidly in comparison.

Wish I Had Never Watched…
Movie 43 (2013). I was so intrigued by this film and how horrible it was meant to be, that I decided to watch it for some reason. It was actually horrible (as I discussed in my review), and a big waste of time. I think I only laughed once, and that was at a Holocaust joke. Yes, I’m a terrible person. But the real terrible people are the directors and producers who brought this waste of oxygen into being. The less said about this film, the better. Just don’t make the same mistake I did.

Keanu-Reeves-in-Speed-001XXX Movie I First Watched At A Young Age (R or NC-17!)
I can’t remember my first R or NC-17 film, but I remember feeling like such a boss when my mum rented Speed (1994) from the video shop and let me watch it with her. I think it was rated MA 15+ (in the Australian rating system) back then, and I was only 7 or 8, so I felt too cool for school. Then someone was stabbed in the ear in the first scene and I had a fear of elevators plummeting to the ground floor and killing everyone for at least the next year or so.

Your Latest Movie-Related Obsession
I’m currently really getting into the film gris movement. It’s not an obsession quite yet, but it’s shaping up to be one. We’ll see how it goes!

MPW-37327ZZZ-Catchers: Name A Movie That Has Put You To Sleep!
I hate to end this on a bad note. I got about 20 minutes into Point Break (1991) before feeling myself fall asleep, and then I physically took myself off the couch and put myself to bed. Never before has a film made me physically get up, brush my teeth, put the PJs on, and go to sleep properly. So congratulations Point Break – you’re not a good film at all. (Sorry Keanu.)

That’s the alphabet movie meme! Let me know in the comments if you end up doing this one as well, I’d love to see the answers other film bloggers come up with!


  1. Cool post! Love your answers 🙂 Do you mind if I copy this idea?

    1. Thanks, and of course I don’t mind! I’d love to read everyone’s answers! 🙂

  2. I so want to do this! Granted, it probably won’t have pictures or links to reviewed films unless I wait a month when I have access to an interface that lets me do so. Still, this was a really fun post and I hope it catches on for other blogs.

    1. You should do it eventually, it was a pretty fun one! I hope it catches on too because I’m interested to see what other people pick for their answers.

  3. My important movie moment was also starting my blog, funny, I can’t actually remember a moment of a movie changing my life, but my blog certainly has changed me a lot over the course of three years. Lovely list btw!

    1. Thanks! I loved writing up this list. I really think the process of writing about films is changing the way I enjoy them, as well. Good times.

  4. Agreed on so many points, especially Spirited Away (which, by the way, is not just a kid’s movie – it is terrific). Also agreed on Point Blank. That is wretched, but not wretched enough to become watchable.

    I cannot call Harry Potter the best film franchise, though. Don’t know what is, but it can’t be that.

    1. Yeah, my opinion of the HP films is totally swayed by my sentimental feelings toward it! Half of the movies are not very good, but I would still say the series overall is a favourite. I think the Bond franchise would be a close second though.

      1. That’s fair on Harry Potter.

        I’m not sure what my favorite series would be. Probably The Lord of the Rings trilogy, I guess. All three of those movies at least entertained the devil out of me. If we include The Hobbit movies, I don’t really want to name it either, though.

  5. Great post, Jennifer Lawrence would be so a great person to meet. For someone so famous she seems really down to earth.

    1. Thanks! Yeah, she just seems like a regular person. Have you seen the video from after this year’s Oscars where she meets Jack Nicholson? It’s priceless.

      1. Yeah I have seen it. I loved when she got interviewed after her win and she was asked what was the process of getting ready. She replied “I took a shower”.

  6. Awesome answers and I really like the design! 😀 It would be so great to go to Hogwarts, mmmmm.

    1. Thanks! It was fun to figure out all the answers. Now I really want to visit Hogwarts.

  7. Great post! Thanks for participating in my movie meme! I totally love your picks, especially for Love and Death as a perfect rainy day. Diane Keaton and Woody Allen are one of my all-time favorite pairings.

    1. Thanks for creating this movie meme! 🙂 I wish I’d included Diane Keaton and Woody Allen in my favourite director and actor pairing as well! Love them both.

      1. It was my pleasure! I’m happy you took part in it and I linked your page too.
        Have you seen Manhattan Murder Mystery? It’s so funny, if you haven’t seen it. 🙂

  8. […] series of questions, all movie related of course. I found out about this on blog I follow called Film Grimoire. If you know me at all or read my blog, chances are a lot of my answers will seem predictable to […]

  9. This is the most accurate description of Love and Death I read 😛

    1. I thought so too! I love a whole host of Russian literature references with my slapstick comedy.

  10. I just saw the book at a bookstore the other day and read the back cover of it and its very intriguing indeed. But if Cumberbatch attached to it i hope it would be a really good production.
    I understand with what you;re saying with HP franchise. I am a potterhead for the books mostly but i don’t hate the film either..
    OMG crying dawson XD (i mean james vanderbeek)

    1. The book is really good! I’d definitely recommend reading it at some point in time. I think if Cumberbatch is involved, it’ll be a winner. Also now I want to use that image of crying Dawson in every post!

  11. Great post and wonderful answers. I kind of found myself nodding to pretty much all your answers like a cuckatoo. Bonus points for being such a fan of anime, The Seventh Seal, No Country for Old Men and 12 Angry Men. I’m not a fan of remakes though, so will have to joust you on that 😉

    1. Thanks! 🙂 Yeah, I often wonder what’s wrong with me when it comes to remakes. It seems like the concept of a remake is universally hated when I read peoples’ answers, but some remakes are good! Like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and the American version of The Ring (even though the original ones are still better in both cases). I recently watched the original version of Cape Fear and thought the 90s one with Robert De Niro in it was way better. Must be some strange remake gene I have and no one else has.

  12. But there’s the remakes of The Hitcher, Psycho, Carrie, Alfie, The Ladykillers, The Pink Panther, Friday the 13th, The Italian Job, Fame, Planet of the Apes, Total Recall… I know what you are trying to say with adapting foreign films, but I was disappointed with films like Vanilla Sky and Insomnia and would have been more curious to see the originals, and I’d go as far as to say it’s Nolan’s worse film. As for Cape Fear, I thought Mitchum was far more menacing, though the film did make good use of the relaxed attitudes towards censorship and is one of the better examples. Craig is a phenomenal Bond but don’t think he adds anything on the Millennium series, and I’m a huge fan of the books and not what I pictured for the character. And there are so many great books that can be adapted to films (draws breath, straightens tie and apologises for long speech) I think two paths lead into a wood, and we are on two very different ones with this one ha.

    We all have stuff that seems odd to outsiders 🙂 if it helps I’ve never got the love for 2001: A space Odyssey and I really rate the film A Civil Action so I have double your genes no one else has 😉

    1. Oh yeah. I actually agree with you on all of those films. Maybe I’m just a fan of the remakes I like and a non-fan of the lame ones, so I can’t entirely turn my back on the concept. I’m totally sitting on the fence there. I never even understood the purpose of remaking Psycho, since the remake was shot-for-shot of the original. It seemed so pointless! Damn you Gus Van Sant! *shakes fist at sky*

  13. Love, love, love these picks! I also thought about choosing 12 Angry Men, but I just couldn’t resist Breakfast at Tiffany’s. And your inspiring quote from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is just amazing — it’s one of my favorites.

    1. Thanks! I think we both have great taste! 🙂

  14. Great post. loved most of your answers. Glad to see someone else loves Roger Moore as Bond..James Bond. My fav as always been A View to a Kill (1984) with Octopussy (1983) coming in a close second.

    Hope you don’t mind, but I think I will copy your idea and do this meme also.

    1. Finally, someone else who loves Roger Moore! I love A View To A Kill as well. Grace Jones is a goddess and you can’t beat the catchy song. Please feel free to do this meme, it’s quite fun! I love reading other bloggers’ answers. 🙂

  15. […] saw this idea on Film Grimoire and decided to try it out for myself. Thanks Anna! (and of course thanks to The Drama Llama for […]

  16. Great idea, very much enjoyed your list. I will do this for the Asian Cinema Cafe with a n Asian movie bias of course!

    1. Thanks! I’d love to see an Asian cinema inspired version of this post, that would be really interesting! 🙂

  17. […] Drama Llama has this cool meme going at her site, and Cinematic Corner and Film Grimoire have joined in, so I thought it would be fun to do a similar list with and Asian Cinema […]

  18. […] Anna shares her picks for Alphabet Movie Meme […]

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